Friday, March 5, 2010

My Vera Luggage

I'm a pretty hard person to surprise. Without much effort, I can figure out when people are hiding things or trying to get one over on me. But this time, Josh got me good. He really did.

We don't have luggage. When we have travelled in the past, Josh always used his green Army duffle bags or his backpacking pack, and I usually borrowed my parents' luggage. However, my parents recently got new luggage, so they gave us a couple of their old pieces, which Josh used for his 6 weeks in Alabama.

So, when we decided that he'd meet me in Gainesville for my MBA Orientation weekend, I realized I didn't have any luggage for my trip up there. I had to split up all my stuff into various smaller bags and carry it all. It was a pain. And very heavy.

Obviously, Josh noticed my dilemma.

Because, 2 days after we got home from Gainesville, there sat a large Vera Bradley box on our front porch. In big letters, it said "Signature Luggage Collection." I squealed and clapped my hands standing outside the front door of our apartment. I thought for sure a neighbor or two would come out to see what was going on.

Come to find out, Josh decided to surprise me with new luggage as an Anniversary/Birthday present after Orientation weekend. But he didn't want to get me just any luggage, he wanted to get me Vera. So, he called my mom and my best friend to find out what pattern he should get me. Ultimately he decided to get me the signature black luggage since it looks so professional... and I LOVE it!It's got a Vera print on the inside, and a Vera lugage tag, and all the zippers have Vera logos....

I am so impressed with my husband. As much as he gives me grief about my Vera stuff, he also listens, and got me exactly what I would have wanted.

And I had no idea what he was up to.

Josh, Kim & Abby

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